Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Color Of Skin, Past Ancestry, And Place Of Living

No matter how alike people may be, segregation is a way of living. As humans we typically find ourselves separated into groups that we can identify with; from being athletic, to being artistic and even a person’s religion. Another path to separation taken by many is by a person’s race. One’s race can be described in a variety of ways; color of the skin, past ancestry, and place of origin. Discrimination is normally placed with race; this can either be a privilege or a disadvantage. A race can be described as a group of people identified as distinct from other groups because of supposed physical or genetic traits shared by the group. The color of one’s skin is the identifier that most of us use to distinguish ones race. The color of skin can reveal a lot about a person. It can tell about their origin. People in Northern Europe or Japan tend to have lighter skin than people whose ancestors are from sub-Saharan Africa or Australia because the difference in sun exposure. The more exposed ones skin is to the sun the darker it gets, along with the less exposed to the sun the lighter the skin. Ethnicity and race are uniquely tied together; they are however two separate concepts. Race has more to do with where a person originates while ethnicity has to do with one’s culture. Culture can be seen as a group of people’s traditions, customs or beliefs. Generally, with in separate cultures, the races of the people in the group are the same, not alw ays though. Consequently, mostShow MoreRelatedBeing Bi-Racial in the Book Desirees Baby Essay771 Words   |  4 Pagesaware of her biological parents ancestry. The chance a baby with both parents would be dropped off is not likely, but was probable with a single mother. A single mother knew there was little help to be found and the chances were short of a child having a proper upbringing socially and economically speaking. 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