Thursday, February 27, 2020

Development Finance and Funding (Real Estate Development) Essay

Development Finance and Funding (Real Estate Development) - Essay Example This number of floors can however be reduced or increased depending on the size and type of foundation which is an intended building shall have. The wider a foundation is, the more the number of floors which can be accommodated. All buildings in the area must be fitted with all social amenities and rates for facilitating those services must be remitted appropriately when needed. Before any building is constructed in this area it is recommended that an environmental impact assessment report be submitted to ensure that any expected or perceived environmental concerns are addressed on time. It is therefore important for all contacts of relevant authorities be established and consulted before any transaction in regard to the land and intended purpose can be approved. This report must accompany any other application which shall be made regarding the land. This 2.5 acre piece of land is located in a prime region where so much residential housing development is extensive and complex. As such its cost is relatively very high compared to other regions within the town. It might be very difficult to purchase the land using the present resources of the company. The terms of sale of the land will be effectively evaluated and measures taken to ensure all the money are available. There are several options the company has including buying the land, develop it or sell it as shall appear appropriate depending on the capacity of the company to manage increased responsibilities which shall come as a result of expanding the company. The rate at which land appreciates is the main motivation behind the decision to buy this land. This is an investment which shall never be regretted. The decision as to what the land shall be put into will depend on several reasons as shall be agreed during deliberations from the relevant committees of the company. As at now the focus is on purchasing the land with the assurance that even without any development

Monday, February 10, 2020

Internationa human rights law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Internationa human rights law - Essay Example In most cases, the application of extraterritorial jurisdiction statutes often becomes necessary to regulate the conduct of the state agents in another territory if their conducts have an impact on the national interests of their country of origin (Ovey and Robin, 2006, p.25). With regard to international laws, there are cases where extraterritorial jurisdiction has been exercised beyond international boundaries particularly under agreement between the concerned parties or nations. These legal agreements allow the US government to exercise authority and jurisdiction over the members of the US military in these countries. Many other countries have also enacted laws and signed agreements with other countries to allow them prosecute their citizens in other countries for crimes such as genocide, frauds and war crimes among others. This is often practiced regardless of whether the crimes were committed extraterritorially or in their mother countries. For example, the UK government has incorporated the Rome statute act into their domestic laws. This legislation allows criminal cases to be filed against UK nationals who commit crimes in other countries. In this regard, such criminals can be prosecuted according to the standards of the UK laws even if their count ries of residences do not have such laws. Al-Skeini v. U.K was a case involving the investigation of a complaint in which the British troops had allegedly mistreated and killed five Iraqi civilians and maimed the sixth one. Consequently, the families of the victims sought justice from the European Commission on human rights. One of the major controversies surrounding the case was the question of whether the case was within the jurisdiction of the ECHR since crimes were committed outside the United Kingdom. Although the previous jurisprudence had always sought to limit the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the European countries in the other areas they control, the ECtHR Grand Chamber courts ruled that since the